Thursday, March 13, 2008

Little Ole' Me

Upon browsing the countless fashion blogs and being so inspired by their outfits, especially the Scandinavian ones, I thought I would make my own. So I set out to Blogger and created this site. And so it begins...

My name is Annah, I'm currently 17 years old as I write this. I come from The United States, but have lived in Thailand for a year as an Exchange Student. I've just recently got into vintage fashion and have been so far hooked. I find myself scanning constantly looking for a good find. My favorite outfit usually consists of skinny jeans, boots, a oversized shirt/dress, and a scarf. I like to rehab clothes and wear things people usually would never dream on wearing. What's so fun about being like everyone else? There are some things in fashion I hate, which would include any graphic tee from Abercrombie, Hollister, or Aeropostle. I also hate gauchos and I can't stand Crocs. No and thank you.

Random facts:
-I'm allergic to penicillin.
-I'm a vegetarian.
-I want to be a professional stufio photographer.

So I hope this blog is successful. ^^
I'll try to update a lot, but I'm awfully busy.


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