Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring has sprung, hopefully.

So Spring has all the other fashion bloggers chatting away excited. The unfortunate problem is that since I am in Bangkok, Thailand. It's already dead hot desert summer. And the only thing you can get close to is tying a pink ribbon around that bun to keep the hair off your sweating neck. But while I'm living in tank tops and pajama shorts, it doesn't mean I can't browse and enjoy. Hooray for internet and magazines.

So what am I excited about for spring fashion? Dresses.
Romantic, lace, embroided, white, pastel, patterned, short, long, boho, mexican Dresses.
And here are a few I'm in love with already.

I swear I don't have an infatuation with purple. ;]

I also really love the idea of big sun hats. Because you hasn't seen 'My Fair Lady' or 'Pretty Woman'? It's so vintage couture, I love it.



Anonymous said...

Oooh, that second dress is divine.

Thank goodness here in Australia we're just getting over an incredibly hot summer and moving into a slightly less sweltering autumn..I'm hanging out for winter big time.

Your blog is going great so far, keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a bit obsessed with dresses too. For some reason I never seemed to think of them as something I could wear whenever I wanted to until recently- and now I need to get my hands on some! Thanks for the link, by the way, and I like it so far so KEEP BLOGGING! :D